
Afri-Stripped Fabrics (Ankara) : The Legend of All Times.

 Afri-Striped Fabrics (Ankara) : The Legend of All Times.

Its some what intriguing the diverse history underlying the origin of the 'African Fabrics'.
I for one thought it was purely African, not until I got to learn from several sources via the Net that I've been living in a fairy tale all this while. Can you imagine? Anyways,this beautiful cloth made with handwritten motifs is alleged to have been brought into the continent through the Dutch merchants in the late 1800s,where they had found a large responsive market and later gained much popularity amongst surrounding African countries.
Okay,enough of the plenty history... beginning to feel bored already. Yea, back to business. The super exciting area of interest about these fabrics is that in the past six years and nearing a decade, they have become the  signature of everything "Afri - Fashion". From foot wares to accessories they have maintained a pioneer position in the  global fashion scene as they  symbolize everything   African and the African Heritage.
You'd also like to know that the Ankara Fabrics are cheap and affordable. No wonder its a large get across every class range of the society. Its quality of multifaceted styling is one to identify with.
 And now  there goes the saying "you always look good on Ankara". They always serve the purpose whether 
old or new , so all you need do is fit it on properly.

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Waist Belts - The Sash Belt Trend.

Waist Belts - The Sash Belts.  

Amongst most essential and very needed clothing accessories is the waist belt. This accessory could add that finishing touch to your outfit and also give colour to your wardrobe. So,whether classic or vintage,casual or corporate, even to street style, a waist belt is needed to indent that sense of completeness. They come in different materials like cloth,denim,plastic,leather and canvas.
I'd like to give much concentration to "a not too popular but minutely worn" type of waist belt known as the Sash Belt. This belt is known for its convenience and easy to wear qualities. All you need do is tie it perfectly on a body-over sheat dress. They certainly come in different colours and are sure to make you appear elegant in that simple but definitely not out of stlye appearance.

 A few clips are shown below :

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About Blog.

Yaayy!!! Finally, you made it here. Could imagine how puzzled you were on seeing my blog address for the first time. Now I think its time to demystify those hazy feelingss about this blog.
Firstly, my name is Providence Ozic Ezeonye, a student of law, a fashion stylist and poet. Yea, I know it's a renegade from the normal phenomenon but trust me it's that perfect tripartite lifestyle that affords the best of experiences.
Okay, down to bussiness, most persons whom I've been privileged to  encounter, live with this mistaken belief that looking elegant entails excessive spending but that's an affirmation in the negative. Reason being that you'd still look good on that old shitty dress if its styled and worn properly. And my object is to inspire such genuiness and creativity expressive in the language of fashion and style through my fashion ideas.
More so, its never being wrong the saying that all humans are born with something special and I do very well agree too. So I'm also concerned about those persons who've got this rear specialty and yet put it away in the crazy thought that its 'shitty' (not important or relevant). The truth is the world is waiting to get inspired through that and this I'd love to express through my poems. So its time to fit into that shit and get the ball rolling. Please, do stay with me as I would appreciate your company in every step of the way.

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