
My First Day At School.

This may appear very elementary and nonconforming to my regular style posts but personal style too is a reflection of in-personal inspirations gotten from routine activities and engagements. Hence, the more reason to publish same. And after all, its my call to blow my trumpet on my blog (Lol). The very interesting part of all this is how notorious I've gotten at this among my school colleagues and faculty mates, who have now gotten used to what they'd describe as my style. To a few of them it's but a showoff, but to many others too its more than that. A semblance of my personality;who I am and what I represent. And for whats worth, these views propel me to push more and occupy my full potential.
  Lectures kicked off a few days ago in my faculty and on my first day of resumption, I decided to touch down the faculty of Law (Rivers State University) in style (Did I also mention that I am in my fourth year now and a step closer to law shool? Mehn! Can't wait.)

It was a tad interesting sunny day, as my course mates as usual did not fail to say I was overdoing the dress thing again. But I also learnt something quite very important from all the chattering and complimentary snippets,; That style is a very relative and objective issue in the eyes of everybody and hence everyone could be wrong too in spite of their very compelling views and personal opinions as opposed to your personal style. And so, that's it on my first day at school experience.

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The Afromaniac Series.

woh! I'm here again...finally. Was sad i never would. Had to sought out a few personal issues and the normal hassles of school resumption and all (by the way, I'd be sharing My First Day At School Experience on the blog too) that put together, have made me quite very unsteady at putting up new feeds. But not to worry,this time I got some really interesting content for you guys.
  For those of you who may have have noticed, I've been going vintage for some time as a delicate ploy in narrating Afro Style through vintage revamped imageries. Hence, the Afro Maniac Series.

This series, is an attempt at recreating an old folklore (Eze Goes To School), popular to every Nigerian, exposed to the Ancient African Literature.

 Here are a few more pictures to drive home the subject matter:

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Recently, I've been doing a few collaborations with photographers, who now appreciate the import of representative-fashion and imagery. On this backdrop,is The Bloke Series. The Series, as photographed by Image Tower,is a troll into black sensuality.   

Not to pass the wrong message, this is actually an effort at stretching the momentum of the black woman beyond her normal stance or position as fixed by society ; beyond that rigid stance in assuring her that their is more to her worth and capacity as a woman.

This rather emphatic message is what the Bloke Series is all about.

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Weekend Fash Tips - How To Stay Ahead in Your Fashion Game.

Hello guys! Hope your weekend's got off to a great start. If you're reading this now, I'd love to welcome you to the first edition of my Weekend Fash Tips. Yea, so as cliche as today's Fash tips may sound, it's quite important we delve into it considering how often I get the question,''How do you keep up with your styles on a dailies''. This editorial, is every effort at adequately answering that question. More so,considering how up-to-date and adaptive to the current flows and styles of fashion people love to be, this editorial becomes even more expedient. That being said, I'd be outlining a few nuggets on how to stay forward and remain consistent on the slay side of life, lol.
Firstly, feel free to try on new stuff. This is quite very rudimentary to having a fun filled fashion life.
Secondly, be confident on every dress or attire you choose to put on. It places you on an edge amidst other Fashion enthusiasts. Music star and  fashion goddess, Rihanna, pretty much uses this style so well.

Thirdly, adopt a good ward robe/shopping plan.For me, I take special care in doing this as it affords me not just the opportunity to add up new stuff to my wardrobe but also keeps me on a balanced budget. Now that's essential for a longitudinal healthy fashion life. For instance, my personal policy is shopping at most twice every month and for crying out loud, it must not be at a boutique or big fashion store. Shopping at random outlets could also do the trick.
Fourthly, always learn how to cross-match your clothes. You give more color and a whole different outlook to a popularly known outfit of yours when you do this often.
Last but not the least, take a peep on the dress styles of very fashionable people. There's no crime in doing that. Reason being that most times,different fashion concepts enunciate a rebirth of new styles and trends in the fashion world.

 With these tips, you'd be sure to keep it a 100 in your fashion life and thus, putting you forward from the crowd.

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Given how symbolic and truly representative fashion has become,this editorial tells a story instructive of the African roots and her attendant struggles in the event of her blossoming into what beauty she now exudes.
   Style for me,is an avenue for self expression and it's much of a worthy feat seeing how many fashion enthusiasts are beginning to embrace this subtle quality of fashion by creating concepts very illustrative of societal stories and real life situations. this is the transformative power of fashion. 
In focus, is Africa, a continent known for its viability.Resourcefulness.Strength and resilience. But also to it,is it's bitter sad story of development and its travails during the imperialist rule. A scene I'd take exception to describing taking account of its bizarre features.My interest here however,though as instructive as it may appear is how that our sufferings have been the binding chords of our unity. 

Something that spurs rather than mars us. And a cognitive map of how better we must be;much better than the wrongs of yesterday. 

This is the inspiration of Black resilience and the model of her character. Hence, the symbol of black to me -resilience,bravery,stalwart and fearless and more still, the magic of being Black.  
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The Ascot; a type of neck-wear that looks like a cross between silken scarf and necktie. Though, originated in the late 19th century,in England, its name was adopted from the horse race called the ''Royal Ascot'' where men were required to wear an Ascot tie in combination with a tailcoat jacket. up till now, the Ascot tie remains quite uncommon and are usually worn during very formal day time events and weddings.

below are a few visual illustrations of the various steps required in tying the ascot.

And this is the look you'd get afterwords:

Thanks again for stopping by and hope to see you around again. Please, do share your thoughts about how helpful this post has been to you at the comment section below. 

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Hello people!! Hope we you'll had a nice time during the Independence day celebration.Yea,guessed so. Please do forgive my inconsistent appearances these days. My laptop's been given me a lot of issues lately but...thank God we're here anyway. Now,down to the matter for the day.( lol,that sounded more like a talk show.) I'd like for us to first to understand the meaning of these two terms - Prints and Motifs. It may surprise you,that these terms are so closely attached, as one is a product of the other. Prints are a compendium of protein fingerprints while on the other hand, a motif itself is a collection of fingerprints. How that they have become very instrumental in the recent currents and constructs of fashion is my area of interest in this editorial. More vocal than it may appear is the fact its form has become a plausible tool for creativity and versatility in the production of all sorts of fabric which is also deserving of several accolades. Below are a few illustrations of some fabrics with special designs in its prints and motifs.

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Bandana Fever....!!

A triangular or square piece of clothing mostly tied around the head or worn around the neck popularly known as the Bandana(Bandanna) is an age long trend that has transcended with time. Another time focused editorial, just like my previous post(you could take a look at it later though). The couvre-chef as it were called in French, were basically made as head ties even though now it's usage may vary by culture or religion. Take for instance, the Bandana is worn as head dresses by the Malay men on special occasions like weddings by the grooms and the 'Pesilat'. Beginning to sound like a research student already(Lol). Anyways, the fun fact in the whole Bandana 'fin' is how it's become a 'place on all', especially around parts of the body like the wrists, neck, ankles ,thug fits on forehead, and even as perfect squares for pockets. For me though, it's quite a welcome feat since fashion speaks a universal language and feeds on trends per time.

Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear your own views too at the comment section below.

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This article aims at exploring to a considerable extent,the annals of fashion and its looming significance . It's no dispute, that fashion designs are reflective of time ostensibly effected by the various stages of civilization and industrialization.

  More so,the schemes and forms adopted is also informative on the culture of particular localities and surroundings. Thus, from the draped linens of Ancient Greece to the casual T-shirt and jeans of today, the evolution of clothing and style, has witnessed broadened expansion over the years. Who would have imagined that T-shirts were invented in the 19th century or that high heels was once a popular trend amongst men. Lol, time flies right? But talking about time too, it's no news especially for anyone who's observed closely the rise and fall of trends, to intuit that some trends though overriding with time, are reiterated or restored and so, there's the question,''is fashion really time bound?''There are however facts to prove the negative. For instance,early Medieval women usually wore floor-lenght tunics called 'kirtles', draped over a linen shirt or under shirt.

Also popular amongst women were headdresses made of linen which covered their hair and held in place by a headband.

 Popular fabrics were also embellished with beadings and

 These preferences in clothing has not changed.
In recent times,tunics are still worn by men and women alike. Hitherto, current releases of popular brands like GUCCI, have also re-invoked cutting-edge embroidery designs in their wares. This is also indicative of the regurgitating quality of fashion. Just to rap it all up,I strongly do feel no trend really dies even though they may low for sometime. It is therefore trite to say that fashion transcends time as well as its relevance.

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Yellow, one of the key trends in the 2017 fashion strides, has began to catch the fancy of most fashion designers and fashion houses. Plain yellow dresses, outfits and sun glasses in various shades are beginning to  take center stage in the current fashion scene whether on the runway or on the streets.
For me,it's quite a welcome feat and a renegade of the normal settee as designers and production houses prone to using cool colors like blue in all shades,orange,black,purple and a few also related to the class, are now seeing the need to try on some new stuff. And that's what trend is all about...innovation of style. Below are a few pictures with slightly different shades of yellow for your appreciation of the color.

Disclaimer : All copy rights of the original owners are still retained.
Please don't fail to share your views on the yellow boon. Thanks for viewing.

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Trend Vibes - The CROCS shoe.

Recently, I noticed how bad I'd developed a sort of fondness for my newly got pair of foot wears - the 'Crocs shoe'. Maybe because of  it's easy to wear formula combined with it's  light weight features and a very stable sole. But then,just when I thought I was the only one who felt this way about the foot wear, I notice a full pack of others. Though, History alleges that it was originally produced as a 'boating shoe' , it's adapted a wide range of functionality with the passing of time.
You'd appreciate the beauty of the crocs shoe looking at the pictures below  .


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