Recently, I've been doing a few collaborations with photographers, who now appreciate the import of representative-fashion and imagery. On this backdrop,is The Bloke Series. The Series, as photographed by Image Tower,is a troll into black sensuality.
Not to pass the wrong message, this is actually an effort at stretching the momentum of the black woman beyond her normal stance or position as fixed by society ; beyond that rigid stance in assuring her that their is more to her worth and capacity as a woman.
This rather emphatic message is what the Bloke Series is all about.
Thanks for stopping by! Please don't fail to share your views with us at the comment section below.
Posted on Thursday, 23 November 2017
Integer sodales turpis id sapien bibendum, ac tempor quam dignissim. Mauris feugiat lobortis dignissim. Aliquam facilisis, velit sit amet sagittis laoreet, urna risus porta nisi, nec fringilla diam leo quis purus.
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