This may appear very elementary and nonconforming to my regular style posts but personal style too is a reflection of in-personal inspirations gotten from routine activities and engagements. Hence, the more reason to publish same. And after all, its my call to blow my trumpet on my blog (Lol). The very interesting part of all this is how notorious I've gotten at this among my school colleagues and faculty mates, who have now gotten used to what they'd describe as my style. To a few of them it's but a showoff, but to many others too its more than that. A semblance of my personality;who I am and what I represent. And for whats worth, these views propel me to push more and occupy my full potential.
Lectures kicked off a few days ago in my faculty and on my first day of resumption, I decided to touch down the faculty of Law (Rivers State University) in style (Did I also mention that I am in my fourth year now and a step closer to law shool? Mehn! Can't wait.)
It was a tad interesting sunny day, as my course mates as usual did not fail to say I was overdoing the dress thing again. But I also learnt something quite very important from all the chattering and complimentary snippets,; That style is a very relative and objective issue in the eyes of everybody and hence everyone could be wrong too in spite of their very compelling views and personal opinions as opposed to your personal style. And so, that's it on my first day at school experience.
Thanks for stopping by. Please don't fail to leave me your comments at the comment section below.
Lectures kicked off a few days ago in my faculty and on my first day of resumption, I decided to touch down the faculty of Law (Rivers State University) in style (Did I also mention that I am in my fourth year now and a step closer to law shool? Mehn! Can't wait.)
It was a tad interesting sunny day, as my course mates as usual did not fail to say I was overdoing the dress thing again. But I also learnt something quite very important from all the chattering and complimentary snippets,; That style is a very relative and objective issue in the eyes of everybody and hence everyone could be wrong too in spite of their very compelling views and personal opinions as opposed to your personal style. And so, that's it on my first day at school experience.
Thanks for stopping by. Please don't fail to leave me your comments at the comment section below.